Virtualbox Only 32 Bit Available

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Issue: Virtualbox sometimes shows only 32 bit VM can be created on some Windows 10 AMD processors computer, no 64 bit VM available. Solution: Following are the steps to enable Virtualbox to be able to create 64 bit VM. If the host machine is 64-bit and you are using VirtualBox to host and running your virtual machine, don’t be puzzled if your VirtualBox is showing you that it can only support for 32-bit of operating system. This isn’t “normal” and you can fix it to enable VirtualBox to support 64-bit OS. You are not restricted in running 32-bit of Windows.

Virtualbox Only 32 Bit AvailableLaptop: HP AMD, 4 cores, 64 bits. Dual boot with Windows 7 @ 64 bits.
I have LM 17.1 Cinnamon Rebecca and VirtualBox-4.3 (it can also be VirtualBox-nonfree, Virtualbox windows 10 64 bit

Virtualbox Windows 10 64 Bit

Virtualbox only 32 bit available freeboth have same problem as described below.)
When I try to create a virtual machine, the VirtualBox's drop down box do not have any option
to select Linux 64 bits.Virtualbox only 32 bit available for windows 10
There are only linux 32 bits options.
How do I enable 64 bits VM installation for Virtual Box?
If this is not possible with Virtual Box, which virtual machine package would let me do 64-bits VM install?
What did I miss?

Virtualbox Only 32 Bit Available Now


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